Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chapter Ten - Visions

"I can't believe he did that," Lavanya gasped as she saw the video.

Lavanya and I just had class and our next class didn't meet until an hour from now, so I decided to show it to her now.

"Seriously Khushi, I think he might be hitting on you."

"What?! No! I mean come on, for all we know he could be a dirty hobo!"

"Uh, no."

"No? What do you mean no? I mean how can you be so sure?"

"Because of these," she said, tapping on his 'Myself' tab.

His 'Myself' tab was nothing but pictures of his cock.

"How can you be so sure that it really is his? I mean for all we know, he could've googled that," I argued.

"Google up a whole bunch of shots and angles of one cock? Uh, yeah, sure," Lavanya scoffed.

"Its that hard?"

Lavanya looked at me as I looked at her confusedly.

"You know, even after all this, you're still so innocent and cute," she gushed.

I thwacked her hand. "Hey!"

Lavanya chuckled. "Yes honey, it's that hard. Would you like to google it?"

"Absolutely not," I gasped.

"So you prefer one, hmm?"


"Right, you prefer two now."

I gaped. "What's that supposed to mean," I exclaimed.

"Well, Khushi... he has a point," Lavanya said softly.


"Tumblr Boy. I mean... it's been what? Weeks now? And you're still talking to him. Isn't that a little... well... giving the wrong impression?"

"But it's not like I like the guy!"

Lavanya sighed. "Khushi, I can't say who you like and what not, so I won't give any opinion at all. But one thing for sure, this guy has some interest in you now."

I groaned in frustration and rested my forehead in my hands.


My head shot up and both Lavanya and I saw Arnav and Aman.

"Oh. Hey," I smiled timidly.

"Hey. ... you okay?"

I mentally smacked myself and stood up. "No, I'm fine. It's nothing."

"Oh, okay."

"What're you doing here? I thought you had class."

"Cancelled, fortunately. So I thought why not do something with you," he smiled lightly.

"... aww," I blushed.

Arnav smiled and pecked my cheek.

I think I'm as red as a tomato.

"Wanna go get something to eat," he asked.

I nodded.

I don't care what he wants to do now - I'm in =D

Arnav smiled and then looked at the others. "Wanna join?"

"Uh, I think I'll pass," Lavanya said kindly. "Don't wanna be a third wheeler," she laughed it off.

"Same here," Aman said. He looked at Lavanya. "Would you like to join me to a cup of coffee?"

Lavanya's eyes widened slightly, and I could tell she was in heaven right now.

"Yeah," she breathed. "Sure."

Aman smiled lightly and then looked at us. "Later you guys."

Arnav nodded and we turned away. I glanced back once and saw the two walking off and in my head, I was throwing confetti everywhere.

Both Lavanya and I, spending time with the men who were driving our minds and hearts insane.



It was pretty chilly today, since it was midwinter. Arnav and I headed to the nearby McDonalds and ordered our stuff. We got our food, Arnav being a gentleman and paying, and then we sat down.

This is the part I'm not gonna like. When I eat, I eat like a man. If anything, a guy should never bring me out to eat because I'm definitely not proper. I mean, chewing with your mouth closed and not talking with food in your mouth, I can do. As for being neat and not getting crumbs all over me or clattering with utensils? Just plain no.

Arnav had gotten a classic and I went with a snack wrap. Honestly, I'm just not that hungry because I'm still trying to digest the Tumblr Boy thing.

Arnav and I got into conversation, talking about the project and forward.

"So what happened," Arnav asked. "You looked pretty frustrated," he said, referring to earlier.

"Nothing really," I said. "Just... you know, life."

"Yeah, totally understood," he scoffed and then looked at me.

He had an expression on his face I didn't quite get. Then suddenly, he moved his hand forward. I looked at it and he wiped something away from the corner of my mouth.

Tell me why I had the sudden urge to take his thumb into my mouth and suck on it.


Stupid Tumblr Boy -____-

Arnav withdrew his hand. "Sorry about that."

"Um, no, it's okay. Sorry, I'm just messy and what not-"

"No, that's okay. I know girls usually like to be all proper, but it's okay. I actually like It when girls are messy."

And suddenly, an erotic vision came into my head, cum being all over my mouth.


This is just wrong!!!!!!!!

"You okay," Arnav asked.

"Huh? Oh... yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? You're kinda spacing out."

I sighed. "It's just... it's just the project. Too much stuff going on also, so... yeah."

I feel bad that I lied, but technically, I'm not. I am partially stressed out by the project and there is stuff going on so... I did nothing wrong =D

... oh who am I kidding -___-

"It's okay," he said, reaching out, holding my hand.

My eyes shot up to his.

"College is stressing so.... But before you know it, it'll all be gone."

"You sure?"

He smiled humbly. "Positive."

Arnav took all the trash with him and threw it out as I sat there. The way he just said that... It was so comforting.

"Ready to go," he asked.

I nodded and stood up, holding my drink. We got out of the restaurant and the desire that I had building in me erupted. Out of nowhere, I reached out and kissed Arnav on the cheek. Arnav looked shocked for a moment, but then it passed away. He looked at me and I looked away, blushing crazily.

Then, out of nowhere, I felt Arnav's hand go into my hair and he kissed me. My eyes were wide, looking right at him, his eyes closed, but instantly, my eyes dropped shut and I felt my legs give away. Arnav held me around my waist, supporting me.

Thank goodness. Otherwise, I think I might've collapsed.

I withdrew first, completely out of breath. My eyes gazed up to his to see his eyes drifting, looking down at me. Blush filled my face and a small smile crept onto my face. A smile appeared on Arnav's face too and he pecked my cheek.


After that, everything was going great. The rest of the day was amazing. When I got home that night, I got a text from Lavanya, saying that Aman had asked her out on a date!


Later on that night, Arnav and I were texting away. I told him that I might fall asleep on him, but he didn't mind.

The last thing I knew was that it was 1 AM and I had fallen asleep, smiling.

Hope you guys enjoyed that!
Also, did you guys see the Fifty Shades of Grey trailer?


  1. amazing update.. hope now that khushi is busy with arnav she will forget about tumbler boy..

  2. I just hope Khushi stops chatting with tumble r boy

  3. hi i m rahulcrazie from if i love this story of yours please continue soon

  4. When are U going to update it.. Waiting for it

  5. I Really would Love to read the rest of this
